Effective member

You are an acoustician working in the field of acoustics. You are either a student, PhD candidate, academic, professor, consultant, engineer, professional working in the field of acoustics in Belgium.

A requirement to become an effective member is that at least one of the following points applies to you:

  • You possess a higher education diploma or a Ph.D. that is directly related to acoustics 

  • you have sufficient professional experience in the field of acoustics

Quick facts:

  • Effective members shall have the right to vote at the General Assembly of the association.

  • Effective memberships cost €60 per year, to be payed after admission in the members area.

Complete this form and send it to submit your request to become an individual member of ABAV.

By submitting this form you agree to our statutes, internal code of conduct and GDPR-policy.

Statutes and code of conduct Dutch

Statutes and code of conduct French

GDPR-policy Dutch

GDPR-policy French